没什么,我就是得哭一会儿 by 高哲
Nothing, I just need to cry a little by Gaozhe
A series of 6 mini booklets created by Gaozhe. They are a set of manual that explains a corresponding set of screenprint work also created by the artist. The stories are inspired by the artist’s childhood anxiety.
The 6 booklets are titled: Lengthening my little thumb, The balloon explosion incident, The complex food chain, Unscientific chicken pox therapy, Do not eat orange and Tear maker.
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Nothing, I just need to cry a little by Gaozhe
A series of 6 mini booklets created by Gaozhe. They are a set of manual that explains a corresponding set of screenprint work also created by the artist. The stories are inspired by the artist’s childhood anxiety.
The 6 booklets are titled: Lengthening my little thumb, The balloon explosion incident, The complex food chain, Unscientific chicken pox therapy, Do not eat orange and Tear maker.
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