A Personal Archive by Ying Yu (Peggy)
A personal archive is part of Travel Book Project, a long-term project Peggy has been working on for years. The book consists of a series of collage created by the artist using photos she had taken during her trips which later she reassemled following vague and fond memory and impression of these places.
Digital print
A personal archive《一本个人档案》是艺术家一个长期持续性创作项目TRAVEL BOOK PROJECT《游记录》的第二本。这个个人档案记录艺术家自己视角中游历和旅居一些国家和城市时的样子。每一页图像都是一个用数张艺术家自己拍下的照片根据对这个地方的印象和记忆拼贴而成的”城市缩影“,整体装订成像速写本一般,用于收藏留念和分享交流。
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A personal archive is part of Travel Book Project, a long-term project Peggy has been working on for years. The book consists of a series of collage created by the artist using photos she had taken during her trips which later she reassemled following vague and fond memory and impression of these places.
Digital print
A personal archive《一本个人档案》是艺术家一个长期持续性创作项目TRAVEL BOOK PROJECT《游记录》的第二本。这个个人档案记录艺术家自己视角中游历和旅居一些国家和城市时的样子。每一页图像都是一个用数张艺术家自己拍下的照片根据对这个地方的印象和记忆拼贴而成的”城市缩影“,整体装订成像速写本一般,用于收藏留念和分享交流。
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